Friday, December 16, 2005

Sketchdiary: Paris

It took a while but, I finally added the second half of my sketchbook diary. PARIS. Check it out when you have a chance...there is a goodie page in there...
December 24th to be exact. Enjoy.


Shane White said...

BWahahaa....this is better 'n Kris Kringle! I love these pages. Man...


chaoticmutation said...

Your sketch diaries are great! So cool. Simplifed and detailed at the same time. I don't know if I would want to visit the real Paris, but your version of Paris would be a super funky place to holiday, that's for damn sure.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I love it!! huddle

KYMadan said...

Thanks you guys!

Anonymous said...

the best sketchbook ever!!
