"...ACK! Bees!"I know... I am lame... I'm posting another piece from the FreshFlours show, but it fits the theme of the week. (I still can't figure out how I could make it so the bee will stay oriented in one direction for second hand...rightside up, upside down. BART! help me out here...)
"...call the medic!"
Hey! Illo topic is Match, and luckily I have a couple pieces from our Tastes Like Chicken show to use... hope that isn't too lame. I don't have anything new at the moment...
8-bit chicken was just sent off to Porkchop screenprinters tonight. I'm messing around with a couple more ideas (above) and I'd love ANY feedback you might have for me. ...oh, I AM trying to look into the copyright issues for the chewie. I'm hoping it isn't a big deal because it is an 'interpretation' and I am only getting a few dozen printed. But I still don't want to get sued. ACK.
Hey All! I've added a link to my "Events" section called CHICKEN! (I still have yet to take some shots of the plush)For those of you who weren't able to join us for the opening last Friday, Tastes Like Chicken will be up until the end of Sept. OH! And mark your calendar - our friend Paul will be having his kickass show @ Fresh Flours in October!
Hey folks... so, it seems like it is time to get some new stumpytown tshirts made and I'd love to get some feedback from y'all. Please leave me a comment if you like this design or if you hate this design. Black shirts or Olive? I'd like to get these ready for either Bumbershoot w/ Bluebottleart or Stumptown Fest!
Thank you everyone for your support in joining Suzanne and I at FreshFlours this past Friday for TASTES LIKE CHICKEN! We had an awesome turn out and got to see a lot of folks we hadn't seen in a very long time. Thanks to Estuko and Kyung for letting us hang our work in their lovely cafe, to Athena for helping me sew stumpytown labels @ 4am and busting out all those chicken buttons for Suzanne and I, to Graig, Leslie and their boys for making the trip all the way down from Vancouver, Canada (so good to see you all!), and to Dev, the best husband in the world, thank you for your constant support, arranging the chickenesque mood music for the show and making sure the wine kept flowing. And last but not least, a big HUG to Suzanne. You did an awesome job, woman. I always love having artshows with you lady. YOU KICK ASS.I didn't manage to take many pics from the show... I'm hoping to get a few from our friends who managed to snap some up and post them shorly. Thanks all!
So... we had a small infestation of what I thought were fruit flies in our house this weekend. Turns out they are a type of carpenter ant. ACK! Even worse! A professional 'bug-guy' is coming out to the house tomorrow afternoon so, hopefully he will take care of the problem. So, in the meantime, we keep the vaccum close at hand to suck those little buggers up!
Click the image above to see our Flyer...Please join Suzanne and I next Friday, August 11th at Fresh Flours on Phinney Ridge for our art opening 7pm - 9pm. Hope you all can make it out!