Hey folks... so, it seems like it is time to get some new stumpytown tshirts made and I'd love to get some feedback from y'all. Please leave me a comment if you like this design or if you hate this design. Black shirts or Olive? I'd like to get these ready for either Bumbershoot w/ Bluebottleart or Stumptown Fest!
I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it!!!! (Smithers voice)
Green t-shirt 8 bit chicken looks reeeeeaaaally comfortable snuggled up between his "situations". Daddy like.
AWWWW yeah. I am dying here- with all your chicken products...oh how I want! I am loving your chicken paintings too (especially the short order cook chicken.)
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