So... we had a small infestation of what I thought were fruit flies in our house this weekend. Turns out they are a type of carpenter ant. ACK! Even worse! A professional 'bug-guy' is coming out to the house tomorrow afternoon so, hopefully he will take care of the problem. So, in the meantime, we keep the vaccum close at hand to suck those little buggers up!
poor fly, or ant
Great perspective, and a very really sense of impending doom! I love the colors, especially in the vacuum.
I kinda feel sorry for him, great visual!
great illustration
the expression of the bug is really cool!
Great image!
This is brilliant! Nice job. :-)
And ACK made me laugh.
Very funny, great job.
i love this!!!
Oh no ! What have I done?? Every year in my studio there is an invasion of flying ants. They come from under the floor or something. And since there are zillions of them, there is nothing I can do but vacuum them. I always feel sorry doing it, but especially when I see this sweet little fellow..
what a cutie. great expression. wonderful job!
too funny! great illo!
Ooooh ... pooor thing!! Clean doesn't always be good!! Great idea, love the illo!
weeeeeeeeee! Nice composition!
Great illo! I love the panic expression of the little bug. Poor guy!
So cute! Love it's expression and the particles of dust!
your illo is so great!! it makes me feel sorry for this guy!! If only ants were really that cute!
Ah! Perfect expression... I hate fruit flies!!
the little ant is hanging in there. very cute illo.
This really does show things from the ant's perspective...he's holding on with all his might! We also get all kinds of "crazy bugs" in our house, different kinds depending on the season. It's like some kind of we just vacume them up. Great illo! That cute face makes me almost feel sorry for him:>
Brilliant illo!Poor little guy!
haha, they have got to go! the way you handled the suction is so good! awesome illo.
Wow this a great idea! I love your perspective and his look of pure desperation. Great illo!
Awww! Don'r suck him up - he's too cute! Great illo :)
EEEekkk....hold on tight!!! heheee....he's so cute! Great design!
EEEK!!! bye bye bugs!!! Hope your bug sucking days are over soon.
Great illustration! Made me laugh!!CUTE!
This is great! There is a really nice depth-of-field feel to this. I want to see him animated, his wingss, antenna and legs flopping around. Hehe.
Fun! Thats a great POV. Great as always!
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