So, remember when I mentioned that we met a ton of cool people @ the EmeraldCon? Well, I lied. There wasn't anyone cool there at all.
...I'm kidding. There were so MANY cool cats there, as a matter a fact, a few of those lovely folks told us about an Expo "you cannot miss" in San Francisco called "A.P.E." (Alternative Press Expo).
"San Francisco, you say? We're there!" Suzanne, Augie, Dev and I decided to GO-FOR-IT and got a table together. What the hell! We also had good company. Special guest stars Gene and Shane!
Come on everybody, here we gooooooooooooooo
APE. April 8th - 9th. 2 jam-packed days at the Concourse. Wall-2-wall creativity I tell you. Plush, silkscreen, original paintings, prints, handmade books and zines, tees, etc. etc. etc. you name it. It knocked me down! I was excited and eager to jet home to get working on new projects... and overwhelmed at the same time, wanting to cry heavily into my open palms from art shame. Would I go again? Absolutely.
So, here we are! Look at all our glory.
Suzanne brought some of her original wood paintings, sketches, archival prints, zines and buttons - she got a lot of response to her originals in particular! She also met one of the owners from Baby Tattoo who LOVED her work. Suzanne! Submit your ABC book ASAP!
Augie brought along a portfolio of some of his sketches and paintings - I can't tell you how many people asked to buy art prints. AUGIE. HEAR MEH NOW (in Arnold voice) for the love of god, make some prints of your paintings (or do I have to print them for you?) Hee hee.
My Madan! He had his original Frankie pages as well as the Monstertown P.I. comic and did quite well! I love the pitch: "Frank Neil Stein. He has the mind of a poet, but no vocal chords..." A lot of people loved his work. Another interesting thing... a young guy said "Dev Madan...Dev Madan, that name is familiar...." and then, KABLAM! "...YOUNG HEROES IN LOVE!" He asked Dev draw one of the characters in his sketchbook. How cool!
Oooooh titillating........HA! Suzanne and Augie up to their shenanigans!
This one is for you Trav! Marcos Perez. Can you believe our luck? Sitting right behind us... creator of rad-sick, Carl Is The Awesome! One of my favorite quotes: "Ladies demand my sexuals!!" Here's a 'Shout-Out' to CARL for giving us a true gut-buster! You are high-larious!
We also managed to see a few things around town as well... breakfast w/ the locals at the Moulin Rouge Cafe. This picture isn't as clear as I had hoped. The ceiling was draped with slats of wood with some shining lights from behind. Kinda creepy, but kinda cool.
Augie took us to the White Walls Gallery on Larkin St. for a Shepard Fairley show. HOLY! Such a good show. I remembered the OBEY GIANT logo from years ago, but never kept up on his career. What a leap he's made. I LOVE that he still integrates the Andre logo in all the background patterns and such.
More kick-ass screens...and affordable to boot. But alas...the shaft. A SOLD OUT show.
The adjoining gallery had a group show called SALON STYLE. Beautiful work. I especially like Patrick Segui's work. He does some incredibly textured, detailed work with... you won't believe it...cardboard. And, one of Dev's favorites, "Chewie & Lando" by Wesley Burt. Did you see it? Are you smiling? I know you must be smiling...
We also made a stop at the Super7 store and what do you know, KAZOW! Bwana Spoons was there hanging up his gallery show! I love his work. We got to chat w/ him for a spell and he recommended another shop called National Product which we checked out shortly after. The Super7 guys were soooo nice, they gave directions and printed maps for us.
DoublePunch. A funky little shop with zines, limited edition vinyl toys, plush & toys from Japan! We also made it to KidRobot (sorry no pics) Vinyl toys, toys and more toys!
Dev got a BIG WELCOME HUG from Tim! Hi there Tim!
Blurry snapshot again.... curious thing, for my photography skills are
extra-ordinary. Oh, uh, what I meant was, extraordinary.
Look at this cute thang...and the plush is cute too (HA! jokes...) I LOVE this little two-headed baby! How can you not love this? This little guy was made for Tim by Jess Hutch. They were once available on Doublefine's website... but no longer. I love her work. I'd buy it all up!
Tim has such a cool ride. We managed to squeeze all 6 of us in there. Hey, there's our pal Gene! Dang, the pic is all blurry again! What voodoo is going on there Gene? Here's a final San Francisco Shout-Out to Tim and Rachael. Thanks for hangin out with us. We love you guys!
i'm like that guy in Jacob's ladder...giggle. that was very fun...i'd love to do it year, i'll try and even have somfin' to, my nose streak looks feckin' huge in that rock!!
Whoa, sounds like you guys had a great time. Maybe, I'll head up with you guys next year. If i can make some time.
Man, I'm sorry I missed you at APE this year. We had a tough time getting away from our table, but it looks like you guys had a great show. Well, there's always next year.
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