Last week, Dev mentioned that Rob would dig a Galactus so I gave it a try. (...'don't forget the Kirby dots') I love that he must devour entire worlds to survive. I Huunnnger...
I'm also in the process of trying to find a good archival printer so, I'll have a high-res print for you soon Rob!
The best Galactus i've ever seen!! wooooot!!
Yes!!! Even more amazing than I had hoped!!! I'm glad you have shared him with the world so that the world may fear him!!! Bwwahahahah!!!
Best one yet! :)
GALACTUS....sup "G"!
NICE! The Devourer of Worlds never looked tougher.
Damn...thats brilliant. I love his cute little hands preparing to end that poor little planet. Awwww... I think this is my personal favorite so far.
I think this is my fav so far also. It seems that Karin and Kirby go well together.
i like it, i like it!!!! more more!!
HOly fuckin awesomeness... 5 villians and counting. This Galactus is too cool.
you know these paintings will sell like mad.
i'd buy all of them.
u should do Dr. Doom next!
i really like your paintings and cartoons..super cool!
Thanks so much you guys!
Hmmmm.....Dr. Doom....
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