...the last of the Entourage crew...But, I'm debating doing a couple more... maybe a few of the ladies... OR Billy Walsh! heh.

Entourage: Vincent Chase

Entourage: Eric Murphy
...I had to keep rollin' with the Entourage crew.
Today, Dev sent around a link of a great caricature artist, Paul Linsley. I LOVE his LOST characters. It got me inspired to attempt a caricature (non-stumpytown style) of Kevin Dillon as Johnny 'Drama'! I didn't distort his face enough, but its been a while since I've done this sort of thing.
Oh god, Wikus!We just saw District 9 last week.LOVED IT.
...wrapped in plastic...
Man, I haven't watched Twin Peaks in since it aired in 1990. I'd like to rent the series again - I remember being disappointed in the movie because it wasn't nearly as disturbing as I thought it would be. Anyways... here ya go.