Hey Everybody! Man, it's been months since my last post - I need to to better on this, or no one will come visit me anymore. Sad days.
The latest: I am participating in a local group artshow called Art For Change, and happily, with a bunch of friends! The event asked 50 artists to donate a piece of work and 50 patrons to raise money towards the Barack Obama campaign! Our friend James also donated his time to DJ the event! NICE!
Here is what I donated. It's a clock made of layered, cut basswood & painted with acryla-gouche and cellpaints. I glued one of the wooden dollar bills to the second hand so it looks like it's flying around.
Thursday, August 21st from 7-9pm
1109 Elliott Avenue West, Seattle, WA
The event is an R.S.V.P/Invite only event, so if you are interested in attending, please email them!