Thursday, December 13, 2007 they are...

My Homage to Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon for the Good vs. Evil show @ BLVD. I decided not to sell these pieces because for some silly reason, I grew attached to them - I think mostly because it has been months since I've painted, so it was hard to let them go. Sadly, I was pulled from the show and not allowed to hang because of that. Understandable. So, I guess I can show them here:

The Good Guys
Roper, LEE, Williams

The Bad Guys
Bolo, Mr. Han, Ohara
these pieces are around 15" x 6"

Cel paint and gouache on wood, cut out pieces are basswood.

Monday, December 10, 2007

GOOD vs. EVIL @ BLVD Gallery!

Mark you calendars! This Friday I am participating in a group art show called "Good vs. Evil". We were asked to create 2 pieces, One Good, One Evil. I created an homage to Bruce Lee and Mr. Han from Enter the Dragon... heh. I'll be posting the images shortly...
BLVD Gallery
2316 Second Avenue
Seattle, Wa 98121
6pm - 10pm.
HERE is a link to the gallery - Please come by if you are in the area! Thank you Jamie and Damion for putting this all together. I can't wait to see everyone's work. And here is a 'tsk tsk' to Dev. You know why.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

MLK logo wins national award

I want to congratulate Tony Gable of the Gable Design Group, my friend and past employer, for this recent Savvy Award from 3cMA (City, County Communications & Marketing Assoc.) Thank you again Tony for asking me to be a part of GDG again, and participate in the illustration/collaboration of this piece!
FYI: a lot of folks assume this change happened overnight. Most aren't aware that in 1986, that the King County Council renamed the county after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It actually took the council 20 years to vote to change the county logo to his likeness.


Hi everybody!
I'm sorry for neglecting my Stumpytown blog. I've been super busy & my computer kinda was flakin' out on me. Okay, that is only half true... I also haven't done any new stumpy work as of late... but, a lot has happened in the past month, so I finally DO have a crap load of things and stuff to post so, let's get to started with this tasty bit shall we?

Super-Awesome Kristen Rask of Seattle's own Schmancy Toys landed a book deal - PLUSH YOU! Loveable Misfit Toys to Sew and Stuff. I got my contributer's copy a few weeks ago and it was so exciting to see Stumpytown plush published. YAY!

Also, a HUGE surprise last month, was an article in our local Seattle Times newspaper CLICK HERE! Stumpytown was featured in full color. 'Thank you Karen Gaudette! I don't know you, but thank you so much.' And, thank you Kristen Rask again of Schmancy! The book is now on sale at Amazon and Powell's books online!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Illustration Friday : Alphabets

Here is my take on this week's Illo topic, Alphabets.
"B 'see' D" HA!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hey Everybody... I've missed you.

As you can see, STUMPYTOWN will be UNDER CONSTRUCTION for some time yet.

A couple of weeks ago, my service provider Fuitadnet, had a computer malfunction and 2 of their hardrives crashed. They lost all of my data (No images, No html files, No backups.) What they told me was the recovery center 'couldn't retrieve anything'. Unbelievable. (I'll spare you the details of how I was feeling last week)
I switched service providers & got my stinkin' money back.

Luckily, I managed to find an old .index file in my Blogger Template page (Blogger has their act together) so I can slowly rebuild this. But, I had to (temporarily) delete all of my 'rollover' links for my sketchbook diaries, my past artshows and all my friend's links until I recreate all the fk'in buttons, .html page layout files and upload any images I have left on my HD.

Good times.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Illustration Friday : Suit

Hey there... this week's Illo Friday topic: SUIT, so here is my take of Miles in his DUNE stillsuit... catchin' worms.

Friday, June 01, 2007

...hello again...

Hey everybody! I cannot believe it's been over a month since my last post - I'm usually pretty good about keeping up with posts, but I've been somewhat distracted and pre occupied @ my new job...
(and...I forgot my Blogger login usename and passwords. HA)
I've been modeling/textuing at L.C. (which I love, btw) and had some downtime yesterday night, so I did this rough pass model of Miles. I still have to build the lower half of his body and put some textures on him - Dev suggested a while ago to put the 8-bit chicken on his t-shirt. Brilliant! ...and maybe down the road, I can pay gene to animate him... but I don't think I can afford him. BAH.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Kim!

April 28th, was my sister's 40th birthday! "Happy Birthday Kim!" A couple of weeks ago, we had a surprise party for her (Christy, Gina and I spent a good 3 months in the planning) and it went out with a bang! Kim didn't suspect a thing. Whew! Christy baked a beautiful cake for Kim, and Gina made an amazing video b-day card for her. Heeey wait a minute...what the hell did I do? Anyways, a few pics from the night are HERE. (Kim is now in New York celebrating her birthday with Patrick! Yeeehaa!) I can't wait to hear about their trip when they get back in town. Cheers Kimie!

Illustration Friday: REMEMBER

I know... this is pretty geeky of me, but this is the FIRST thing that popped into my head for this week's Illo Topic: Remember
From one of my favorites, The Wrath of Khan: The Enterprise lost warp power and Spock sacrifices himself and enters the radiation chamber... but just before, mind melds with Bones (in this case, Miles) and says "Remember"...
(my other favorite thing: Dev does a good impression of Chekov "Botany Bay? Botany Bay! Ohhh Noh.")

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A New Beginning...

Change is good. "I get to work with Dev again!!!" (can you hear me yelling?)
I start my new job at Loose Cannon Studios on Monday (along with boobie-man Genepool)! I'm super-excited for what's to come. SALUD! KAMPAI! CHEERS!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Saturday Mornings" at Rocketworld!

Here is Dev, me, Augie and Patrick. Suzanne is M.I.A, as she is...nearly 8 months Preggers (congrats you fertile lady!)

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to PATRICK MA of Rocket World for letting us have this show and being so supportive, and to everyone who made the effort to make it out for the opening reception. Augie's family made it out to see us from Gilroy and Dev's sister Athena from Canada! I was pleasantly surprised by the turn-out and relieved that the 4 of us didn't end up starring at one another the whole night, alone.

Half the time I forgot to take pictures, and half the pictures came out blurry, but I posted a few up on my FLICKR CLICK HERE. Also, Check out RocketWorld's CLICK HERE (I stole the pic of the 4 of us from Patrick's collection) I also added a new button in my "current shows" link section to the right - my Stumpytown contribution to this group show.

Augie Dev and I got 2 tables at this year's Alternative Press Expo - our 2nd time out - I can't tell you enough how inspiring it was. If you haven't attended, do yourself a favor and go next year. You won't regret it, it's definitely a 'boost' in your creative juice. Check out the few pics I have HERE.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

SATURDAY MORNINGS April 20th 6-9pm

Okay people, this Friday, April 20th, we are in a group show called "Saturday Mornings" at Rocket World down in San Fransisco! It's the night before the Alternative Press Expo, so if you are in the area, please drop by and meet with us - the show is from 6pm-9pm, and it should be a good time.
Here is a sneak peak at my Twinkie the Kid "Shelf Life: 30yrs"

Friday, April 13, 2007

Email, don't fail me now

Well... I'm having problems with my email, in a MAJOR way. How major you say? Well, le'ts just say I'm probably getting about 50% of the emails that have been sent to me (as Dev and my friends have made known to me), or I receive them days (so far, up to 5 days) after you've sent them to me! So, I'm trying to get the problem fixed (i.e. I may need to get a new service provider)I set up a TEMPORARY solution, so please CC or directly email me at

Sorry for the inconvenience... this will hopefully be fixed soon.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Mister Mxyzptlk Challenge!

Travis threw down another Villain Challenge... Mister Mxyzptlk!
I did this one in the style of the past villains I did....

...but then I wanted to try a more "STUMPIER" style version...

so how's this one? ( a baby walker) BAH.
Check out all the contributions on Trav's blog HERE

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Etsy Update...

Hi all...
I've been trying to make an effort to post new items on my
Stumpytown Etsyshop
on a regular basis, but I haven't been too successful. So, today I added a few hairclips (a severed fish, slab-o-ham and dead fish). Quite a few folks dug them at last week's comiccon, so I'm trying to make a few more! ...severed zombie arm is 'coming soon'

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Atomic Lead Gallery Opening Reception!

Saturday, April 7
All City Coffee , Georgetown
6pm - 9pm

A bunch of my friends worked on this year's Atomic Lead book!
Mark your calendars and drop on by and pick up a copy!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoons!

Hey Everybody! We are participating in a group show in San Fransisco @ Rocketworld on Friday, April 20th called Saturday Morning.

Suzanne Kaufman
Dev Madan
Augie Pagan

Our opening reception is the night before the Alternative Press Expo (A.P.E.), so if you are in the area, mark your calendar and come by and see us! (More info to come) Here is a sample from Stumpytown:

Nothing ever goes right for Hardy Har Har....

"Oh Lippy..."

ECCC is over...

Here is a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who made it out to visit Suzanne and I @ this year's Emerald City ComicCon! We had a jam-packed weekend & the turn-out this year was so much better than the last. It was nice to see folks we've met over the years and friends we hadn't seen in a while. We met a lot of new people this year - hopefully we will see again next time.

I'm a knucklehead (but you knew that already) I hardly took any pictures this year - I completely forgot to take my camera out at all on Sunday so the few pics I have are posted on my Flickr page HERE.

Oh! So 2 things that made me smile were:
1. this! How can you not smile, seein' a Tusken Raider waiting in line?!

2. there were a few folks at the con that yelled out "8-bit Chikeeeeeeen!" now and again.
(made my day)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

ECCC This Weekend!

Hey All!
Don't forget, this weekend is Emerald City Comic Con.
March 31 10am-6pm
April1 10am-5pm

A bunch of us will be in the artist alley, so stop by if you can!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Hey folks!
I'm in the beginning stages of phasing out my hotmail email account, so if you need to get ahold of me, please email me at!

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


So, sorry for the long delay in posting... I've been having problems with my flaky service provider. No web access. no email. ACK.
Just a heads up, next weekend is Emerald City Comic Con, March 31 - April , A bunch of us are sharing tables in the Artist Alley (near the main entrance) drop on by if you get a chance!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

King County logo unveiling

This afternoon we attended the unveiling of the new King County's official logo at Mt. Zion. My friend and past employer, TONY GABLE of Gable Design Group, was selected out of a nationwide competition of 29 design firms to redesign the new logo in the likeness of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. If anyone deserved this honor, it would be Tony.

Last fall, Tony called me up for 'a freelance illustration project' and said that he wanted to keep it 'in the family.' I could'nt refuse. The process was a challenging one as the likeness of MLK could not be rendered directly from any existing photos/visual reference. But, working through many variations with Tony and Nancy... I'm very happy and proud of the end result. Here is a big "THANK YOU" to Tony for bringing me back into the Gable family once again to be a part of history.

Char Sui Bao + Cookie Plushies!

These are the handy work of Cara Wong of Randomthings.
Aren't they adorable? Check out some of her other cute plushies HERE.
Thank you Cara! I LOVE THEM BOTH!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Opening: BELLA and MAX!

My friend Juliet just opened her new kids boutique in
Bothell Country Village! The Grande Opening will be in April.

Bella and Max
817 238th St SE ,Suite C
Bothell, WA 98021


Drop in when you are in the area. She carries really unique, cool kids clothes and accessories... I have to get to work on having a kid soon so we can buy some of this stuff (right Dev? wink wink) ....and down the road she will carry some limited edition Stumpytown plush (Thank you Juliet!) Don't miss out.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello! Back from Vancouver!

Hey Everybody!

We just got back from Vancouver and I swear to god, it felt like we spent more time in the travel - it flew by too fast. Dev and I went up with my folks and Kim and got to spend some time with our Uncle Pete and Aunt Marie. It was lovely. I love them both so much. I'm shocked to recal they celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary and Pete turned 93 last year. We will most likely go up again in the spring/summer, but stay a bit longer next time around.

I also got a chance to swing by
OCCUPIED Shoppe - I've been emailing the owner Janelle for the past year. She is AWESOME! And her shop... is the best. If you are up in Vancouver, swing by Gastown on Abbott street. Here are some pics from Occupied Shoppe's site (Janelle, I hope you don't mind I used these!)

Two Stumpytown Tempura Shrimp are now proud residents at Occupied Shoppe. If you'd like to adopt one, contact or (604) 605-3322.

And lastly, I FINALLY posted some Stumpytown items on my ETSY Shop (having opened my account over a year ago. YIKES.) There is a new "SHOP" button at the top of the page (just under my PROFILE.) Check it out if you have a chance~

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bluebottle Art Gallery Reception Tonight!

Hey All,
Please join Suzanne and I for our art opening reception "Wookin Pa Nub" at Bluebottle Art Gallery tonight from 6-8pm! Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

PLUSH WEEK 2 @ Gallery 1988

Plush Week 2 Opening reception was last night!
I wish I could've made it down to L.A. for the opening night, but luckily they posted some pics on the Gallery 1988 website of the whole show.
There are some really unique and interesting pieces in the show! I especially like APAK, Maoma and Johnny Yanok's. Take a quick peek on page 3... my stumpies are there!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Hey Everybody! Mark your calendars!
Saturday, February 3rd, from 6pm-8pm
Suzanne and I are having a show at Bluebottle Art Gallery in 2 weeks! OH! And, if you are interested, there is going to be a pre-show PREVIEW SALE available to those who sign up on Bluebottle's Preview List. If you would like to be on that list, email them at ! And, for of you who asked, 'Wookin Pa Nub' is a title homage to 'Lookin' for Love' ala Eddie Murphy does Buckwheat.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

PLUSH WEEK 2: Eclectic Boogaloo!

There is an amazing plushshow coming up @ Gallery 1988 called Plush Week 2: Eclectic Boogaloo on Jan23-30 down in L.A.! I got an email last week from the curator Jon and got an invite to participate!

These are my little guys I'm mailing down to him - Big ol Tempura Shrimp, sad Edamame, and Chicken Salad and Chicken Sh#*t' . I meant to send them off to him today, but because of the snow and my whimpy-ass driving skills, I'm going to send them down tomorrow. I hope he likes them!

Hey snowguy!

YUP. We got hit with MORE snow this morning...
I decided to stop complaining about the weather, so I made a little snowdude 'stumpytown' style with baby pinecone eyes and a twig mouth. I carried him around our backyard for a while to find the best resting spot. I think this will suffice.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm finally in the process of changing my legal name (from Karin Yukiko Yamagiwa) and I've gotta tell you, it is a pain in the ass. Last week I got my new SSN#, City of Seattle business license, voter registration & driver's license (the bank wouldn't let me change my accounts unless I had a current picture I.D.) Then, the other day my credit cards and debit card stopped working - I call the bank to find that the halfwit bank agent I talked with accidentally closed my account, forgot to even place the order for my replacement cards and had ordered new checks with the wrong name on them! (Where is my cattle prod)
I have yet to change my passport (oh fun), bank investments, 401k, credit cards, car registration and title, car and medical insurance, and... all the online stuff I have accounts on. ACK. ACK. ACK. hairball! But, I AM THRILLED to say that I can finally say I am officially...uh, maybe about 55% Karin Yamagiwa Madan. HA.