Hi everybody!I'm sorry for neglecting my Stumpytown blog. I've been super busy & my computer kinda was flakin' out on me. Okay, that is only half true... I also haven't done any new stumpy work as of late... but, a lot has happened in the past month, so I finally DO have a crap load of things and stuff to post so, let's get to started with this tasty bit shall we?
Super-Awesome Kristen Rask of Seattle's own Schmancy Toys landed a book deal - PLUSH YOU! Loveable Misfit Toys to Sew and Stuff. I got my contributer's copy a few weeks ago and it was so exciting to see Stumpytown plush published. YAY! Also, a HUGE surprise last month, was an article in our local Seattle Times newspaper CLICK HERE! Stumpytown was featured in full color. 'Thank you Karen Gaudette! I don't know you, but thank you so much.' And, thank you Kristen Rask again of Schmancy! The book is now on sale at Amazon and Powell's books online!