Hey everybody! WHEW! I finally finished my plushes last night for Schmancy's group plush show this fall called PlushYou2. Here's a 'shout out' to Dev for hand-delivering them there for me this afternoon.
I thought I'd share a few images with you!
Look familiar? These little dudes are based off of my Illo Friday painting, "SORRY"They are made of felt and polar fleece and about 9 inches tall.
...and last but not least.... "Lone Cone Without A Home"
[1] Rachael Schafer My lady is coming to town! Don't miss her show @ Fancy+Pants this Saturday, July 8th 7-9pm. [1] Robert ValleyFunk-fantastic Animated short. Damnation! Massive Swerve. His blog. [2] Israel Sanchez Love his work - lovely palettes.
Thats it for now. I gotta get painting for the FreshFlours show with Suzanne in August. YIKES.